PC World 2007 January
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Generate PSPad.ahk
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118 lines
;;; ============================================================================
;;; FILENAME: Generate PSPad.ahk
;;; ============================================================================
;;; PSPad Syntax Generator Script
;;; ============================================================================
;;; AUTHOR: Scott Greenberg
;;; COMPANY: SG Technology
;;; VERSION: 1.0.0, 02/08/2005 - 02/08/2005
;;; WEBSITE: http://gogogadgetscott.info/
;;; ============================================================================
;;; NOTE:
;;; Derived from Rajat's PSPad Syntax Generator Script
;;; ============================================================================
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Speeds up file operations.
SetWorkingDir, ..\.. ; Set it to the Editors folder.
TargetFile = PSPad\AutoHotkey.ini
FileDelete, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, `; PSPad keyword syntax file for AutoHotkey`n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, `; Auto generated by GoGoGadgetScott's PSPad Syntax Generator Script`n`n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, [Settings] `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, Name=AutoHotkey `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, HTMLGroup=0 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, FileType=*.ahk `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, CommentString=; `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, CComment=1 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, BasComment=1 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, SingleQuote=1 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, DoubleQuote=1 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, Preprocessors=1 `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, KeyWordChars=-_# `n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, [KeyWords]`n, %TargetFile%
;this doesn't require fancy cmd names for human reading,
;it just requires names to be highlighted. so getting first name only
Loop, Read, Syntax\Commands.txt, %TargetFile%
CurrCmd =
FullCmd = %a_loopreadline%
;directives don't have first comma but a first space
;so whichever is first, take it as end of cmd name
StringGetPos, cPos, a_loopreadline, `,
StringGetPos, sPos, a_loopreadline, %A_Space%
IfLess, sPos, %cPos%
IfGreater, sPos, 0
StringLeft, CurrCmd, a_loopreadline, %sPos%
IfLess, cPos, %sPos%
IfGreater, cPos, 0
StringLeft, CurrCmd, a_loopreadline, %cPos%
IfLess, cPos, %sPos%
IfLess, cPos, 0
StringLeft, CurrCmd, a_loopreadline, %sPos%
IfLess, sPos, %cPos%
IfLess, sPos, 0
StringLeft, CurrCmd, a_loopreadline, %cPos%
StringReplace, FullCmd, FullCmd, ``n, `n, a
StringReplace, FullCmd, FullCmd, ``t, `t, a
StringReplace, CurrCmd, CurrCmd, [,, a
StringReplace, CurrCmd, CurrCmd, %a_space%,, a
;For a directive that has no parameters
IfEqual, CurrCmd,
CurrCmd = %a_loopreadline%
;this check removes duplicates for loop and if
IfNotEqual, CurrCmd, %LastCmd%
FileAppend, %CurrCmd%=`n
LastCmd = %CurrCmd%
FileAppend, `n[ReservedWords]`n, %TargetFile%
;Adding keywords including the blank lines and comments
Loop, Read, Syntax\Keywords.txt, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, %A_LoopReadLine%=`n
FileAppend, `n`n, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, `n[KeyWords2]`n, %TargetFile%
;same with variables
Loop, Read, Syntax\Variables.txt, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, %A_LoopReadLine%=`n
FileAppend, `n[KeyWords3]`n, %TargetFile%
;keys are added with and without {}
Loop, Read, Syntax\Keys.txt, %TargetFile%
FileAppend, %A_LoopReadLine%=`n
IfEqual, A_LoopReadLine,, Continue
;comment check
StringReplace, check, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Space%,, A
StringReplace, check, check, %A_Tab%,, A
StringLeft, check, check, 1
IfEqual, check, `;, Continue
FileAppend, {%A_LoopReadLine%}=`n